Our bestsellers

Award-winning frozen juices delivered to your door

“I began Britt’s Superfoods with a simple aim - to share the incredible nutritional benefits of field grown, organic wheatgrass juice as widely as possible. As we’ve grown, so has our range and you’ll now find delicious blends of raw superfood juices alongside our best selling pure wheatgrass juice shots. Here’s to good health and wellbeing.”

Dr. Britt Cordi, PhD - Founder

Health benefits

Our organic superfood juices have a high nutritional value. Frozen immediately, they’re natural energy boosters and are packed full of all the antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes needed for good health.

Discover our range
  • Wheatgrass harvest, Britt superfoods harvest, traditional farming

    How to Make Wheatgrass Juice

    Britt Superfoods offers a premium wheatgrass juice, harvested with scientific precision to capture the plant’s full nutritional value. The traditional farming method used results in a higher yield of chlorophyll...

    How to Make Wheatgrass Juice

    Britt Superfoods offers a premium wheatgrass juice, harvested with scientific precision to capture the plant’s full nutritional value. The traditional farming method used results in a higher yield of chlorophyll...

  • What does chlorophyll do to your body?

    What does chlorophyll do to your body?

    25 years ago, while studying for a PhD in molecular biology and nature conservation, our founder Dr. Britt Cordi, discovered the incredible health and wellness benefits of chlorophyll in freshly...

    What does chlorophyll do to your body?

    25 years ago, while studying for a PhD in molecular biology and nature conservation, our founder Dr. Britt Cordi, discovered the incredible health and wellness benefits of chlorophyll in freshly...

  • Which foods sound healthy but aren't?

    Which foods sound healthy but aren't?

    In the quest for healthier eating, we often find ourselves reaching for foods that seem nutritious on the surface. Yet, many of these seemingly virtuous options hide a less-than-healthy reality...

    Which foods sound healthy but aren't?

    In the quest for healthier eating, we often find ourselves reaching for foods that seem nutritious on the surface. Yet, many of these seemingly virtuous options hide a less-than-healthy reality...

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  • My IBS symptoms have improved!

    Wheatgrass has helped me so much, I’ve been taking it for 3 months now and most of my IBS symptoms have improved!

    Christine, Kent

  • The best wheatgrass out there.

    I have tried numerous products on the market, this is the best I have found, with a quick and efficient delivery as well!


  • A great way to start the morning.

    I look forward to taking my daily shot of wheatgrass each morning knowing the benefits and how it helps me to feel.


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