Our Clients

Our Services Power Your Favorite Brands

Our process

Elevate your brand,
while saving time

With over 10 years as a business and a collective 40+ years of experience in the team, we’ve honed our process. We have a system that is refined and repeatable, with a proven methodology that has helped over 300+ brands make email a channel that boosts retention and is a reliable revenue generator.

Audience Health

We ensure list hygiene by combining programmatic email validation with segmentation to suppress inactive subscribers. Consistent monitoring of both IP and domain reputation using Google, Microsoft & Verizon postmaster tools provides deliverability insight at the ISP level. Reputation problems are recognized and mitigated quickly.


With our focus on retention and reactivation, our monthly reporting analysis highlights patterns and opportunities for growth in LTV and understanding of your customer lifecycle.  A quarterly promotional calendar allows us to connect with your audience and use specific messages to hit monthly or short-term goals. Relevance is key for automations. We do product and send time analysis, and segment based on customer behavior to send the right messages to the right people at the right time.


Content themes, headlines, body copy, CTAs, subject lines & pre headers all come together in conversion-driven copy in the brand voice to engage your audience.


Following your brand guidelines, we apply our award-winning methodology to create striking mobile-first designs optimized for conversion. Creating an email design system that is easily scalable enables us to work swiftly, while executing on point.


Our developers hand code each template to get the best mobile degradation. In addition they employ a rigorous quality assurance process that spans across devices and email clients so you have confidence that your emails render perfectly in every inbox, on every device.

Performance Monitoring

Retention is about more than just clicks & conversions. We seek to understand the macro behavior of your customer base over time. So in addition to evaluating campaign performance, we’ll zoom out and look at the impact on the bigger picture on revenue and customer behavior.

Testing & Optimization

We consistently perform various A/B tests as a means to not only optimize performance, but to gain valuable insights into your customers and what resonates with them. We take different approaches for broadcasts and journeys. Each broadcast goes through a controlled A/B split test to ensure we’re maximizing each send. For automations, we test individual touchpoints in an effort to optimize the output. This all lends itself to continuous iteration and improvement to the copy & creative, send times, and overall approach.

case studies

How we grow email revenue by up to 30%

Get to know some of the brands that we’ve formed long-lasting relationships with. They came to us looking for more traction with their email and SMS channels, and stayed with us for the long-term for the year-over-year revenue growth and exponential return on investment.

Peak Design makes award-winning bags and camera gear, and they lean into the strength of their community to maximize on brand loyalty.

Joined forces with Rejoiner in 2017, going on 7 years and counting.

Through Rejoiner, for the last 5 years Peak Design has seen:

Email is Peak Design’s #4 source of last-click revenue

Automations do a lot of work in the loyalty and retention arena for them, leveraging campaigns like Birthday, Anniversary, Win Back, Post Purchase, along with the usual Cart and Browse Abandonment and Welcome series.

Triumph, headquartered in Switzerland with branches in 45 countries, is a leading manufacturer of lingerie.

Our partnership began in 2017, and now Rejoiner powers 6 of their international markets: AU, NZ, HK, SG, MY, TH, VN.

Over a period of 3 consecutive years Rejoiner emails have driven incredible revenue:

Email is Triumph's #1 or #2 source of last-click revenue in every market

Shout! Factory is a home video and music company that sells all of your favorites from TV, film and cult classics.

Since 2018 the Rejoiner platform has been powering their email and has driven revenue growth year-over-year.

Newsletters and automations have proven to be consistent and reliable revenue drivers:

Email is Shout! Factory's #4 source of last-click revenue

Big Chill’s retro and modern appliances provide functionality, efficiency, and dependability. They marry cutting-edge cooking technology with unrivaled style.

In 2016, Big Chill came to Rejoiner because they needed to grow their email channel.

Over 7 years, we have managed their entire email channel, including producing all of their monthly broadcasts 
and automations:

Email is Big Chill's #3 source of last-click revenue.

Award-Winning Email Marketing

cost savings

Lower your email marketing overhead by 70%

Compare Rejoiner to building an in-house email marketing team.

Cost Comparison

In-House Team



Email Marketing Manager*

$9,968 /mo


Freelance Email Designer

$2,000 /mo

Freelance Email Developer

$2,000 /mo


25% of FTEs

$2,492 /mo

Total Annual Cost



*Based on a base salary of $119,615 [Source]


Meet some of the people you’ll be working with

Our team has expertise in every facet of email and SMS marketing. From strategy to design & development, we can help you lighten your load while growing your business.


Customer Success Manager

Greg’s been with Rejoiner 5 years and counting. His knowledge is comprehensive and he’s especially adept at technical onboarding and strategy.

  • Has run the email channel for brands like Hydro Flask, Big Chill, OXO, Moosejaw, Shout Factory and Humanscale.
  • Oversees $20M+ of annual email driven revenue generated by the Rejoiner platform.


Creative Director

Shannon’s been designing exclusively in the email channel for the last 10 years. In her 6 years at Rejoiner, she’s elevated our clients’ brand with her high-performing designs.

  • Expert in email design best practices and has designed thousands of email campaigns for brands like Hearst, Guthy Renker, Humanscale, HVMN, Big Chill and hundreds more.
  • Shannon’s work won Litmus ‘Best Email Design of 2021’.


Lead Developer

Adrian is our man behind the scenes who produces your finished product. He’s the one who makes it all work perfectly in every email client, on every device.

  • Has hand-coded 10K+ emails!
  • His 13 years of specializing in email development has made him a virtuoso on email HTML.

Ground-truthed retention marketing insight

Guides & articles written to help you turn email + SMS into your top sources of revenue.