Start a high-income career in business data in just 4 months

Join our Business Intelligence Analytics bootcamp

Our guarantee: job or 100% money back
88% grad employment rate
Job guarantee

Online BI bootcamp

No IT or STEM background needed
Online bootcamp
to earn ~$73,000 in your first job after graduation and take advantage of remote-friendly opportunities
Cohort #45 starts on June 4
What is Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics ?
BI Analysts transform raw data into insights and decisions
to business
in demand
BI Analysts use simple tools to build solutions that help their coworkers, departments, and leadership make sense of business data. They’re indispensable in most industries, as well as government and non-profit organizations.
Source: for BI Analyst, Lead BI Analyst, and Senior BI Analyst
BI Analytics

is a fast-growing career track with. a high income .throughout
Our grads’ starting pay
In 1–3 years
In 4–6 years
In 7–9 years
Remote .... friendly: thrive wherever you choose to live

Talk to our advisors find out more about this bootcamp

Talk to our advisors to find out more about this bootcamp

BI Analytics

is a fast-growing career track with a high income throughout
Btw, more than 8,000 job openings in the United States, 1,500 remote or hybrid
Source: for BI Analyst, Lead BI Analyst, and Senior BI Analyst
Cohort #45 starts on June 4
The fastest ... way into tech: 4 months part-time
Train online
Get hands-on experience
Prep for your career
Short units. Lessons and training projects on our interactive platform. Regular tutoring and daily office hours.
Career coaching, interview practice, resume, and portfolio review.
Real projects for client companies. 
Employers will see them, along with training projects, in your portfolio.
New career
Training curriculum
Career prep
Welcome Sprint: A First Look at Business Analytics
10 hours
Understanding Business Analytics
2 weeks, 40 hours
2 weeks, 40 hours
Business Analytics
4 weeks, 80 hours
Data Visualization and Storytelling
6 weeks, 120 hours
Final Project
2 weeks, 40 hours
Hands-on experience with client company
3-5 weeks
Career coaching
Portfolio review
1-on-1 mock
Resume and cover letter review
Download the Syllabus to see our full program!
Find out why 88% of our students get jobs in tech within 6 months of completing bootcamp!
How to make AI work for you
Computer literacy
Bonus courses for new students!
“Not a tech person”? Don’t know a browser from an OS? Take this course to get up to speed! Learn how to use a computer and industry-standard apps so you’re ready to break into tech.
AI can code a website, write an email, and paint an illustration. You just have to know what to ask it and how to ask. Learn to use this powerful tool to simplify every facet of your life and work, with our free course!
Regular one-on-one tutoring
Personal success managers
One-on-one career coaching
Professional tutors with years of industry experience will go over challenging concepts and tasks on demand.
A personal manager will guide you through the bootcamp, help you stay on track, or even adjust the program to better fit your life!
Become awesome at job hunting! Your bootcamp includes live interview prep, resume/portfolio review, and job search assistance!
Individual attention and personalized guidance
Our guarantee:
you’ll have the job you trained for within 6 months or .we’ll refund your tuition.
Graduate and complete our included career prep course
Apply to relevant jobs and stay in touch with your career coach
If you don’t have a job after 180 days, we will refund 100% of your tuition
The TripleTen moneyback guarantee is legally binding. For details, please see our Terms of use
Our guarantee:
you’ll have the job you trained for within 6 months or .we’ll refund your tuition.
Surprisingly __affordable
Surprisingly affordable
Book a call with an advisor to find a payment option or special offer that works for you!
Best deal—save up to $667!
We offer multiple payment options
Learn now, pay later
Payments begin 3 months after graduation
Installment plans
No credit check req’d
Our financial partners
TripleTen is one of the best coding bootcamps, just as we have been for the last 5 years
4.8/5 across 1000+ reviews
Check out our awards on Career Karma, SwitchUp and Course Report
Tech Support
Senior Market Analyst at Olympus
Quantexa Developer
at NAB
I really liked being presented with information from different fields. I enjoyed every aspect of the course: the platform, the tasks, the design, the flow, the support.
TV Production
I liked that there were real people and projects at TripleTen. When I was really behind, TripleTen’s admins let me put my program on hold and resume it later.
Marketing Science 
The [hands-on externship] experience was invaluable. It was a taste into what real-life data analytics is. TripleTen did a really good job of prepping me for the job search and the interview process.
Our grads work here:

Book a call with our admissions advisor to learn more!