A beautiful view from within central Phnom Penh-mobile

How to get from
Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

Siem Reap to Phnom Penh Trip Overview

Distance227 km (141.9 miles)
Price range$8-$258
Ride Duration Range-6h 30m
Earliest Departure23:00
Latest Departure23:30

The most affordable and convenient way to travel from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh to is by bus. If money isn’t a concern and you want to get there quickly, plane tickets are an option and flights are less than an hour. Phnom Penh is known for its rich history and sightseeing opportunities, including the Royal Palace, the National Museum of Cambodia, the Central Market, and the Independence Monument. Pack summer clothing given the warm weather conditions all year. The most pleasant weather occurs between November and March.

Travel Schedule Options from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

Taking a bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

Fastest bus:

Cheapest bus: $8

The fastest:

The cheapest: $8


Low cost

Friendly drivers (like personal guides)

Blankets provided

Multiple departures per day

Preferable over vans


Possible difficulties during monsoon season

Low safety conditions

Slow traffic

No toilets in buses





Reclining Seats


English Speaking Staff




The fastest:

The cheapest: $12


Rest stop breaks

WiFi connection

English speaking staff


Limited drop off locations

Oftentimes non refundable

Speedy drivers

Shared vehicles

No set stops






Reclining Seats

English Speaking Staff

The fastest: 5h

The cheapest: $86


Pick up anywhere

Rest stops

Drivers are very friendly

A/C guaranteed

Comfortable cabin

Extremely flexible route


Luggage limitations

No time advantage

Driver lottery


Limited amenities: no special or additional services




Reclining Seats

English Speaking Staff





The fastest: 5h 55m

The cheapest: $12

The available amenities for this trip are currently unavailable. For specific questions, please contact our customer service, available 24/7.

A beautiful view from within central Phnom Penh

About the ride from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

The launching pad for tours and excursions to the magnificent temples and ruins of Angkor Wat, no trip to Cambodia is complete without a stop in Siem Reap. While the temples can be explored in a day, their beauty and scale can only really be appreciated over a three-day to even a week-long discovery tour. Siem Reap is also known for hosting spellbinding Apsara Dance performances. The Aspara Dance should be viewed along with an evening of fine Cambodian dining; it’s a must-do when in Siem Reap. 

Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s bustling capital, has a charm all of its own. While there are plenty of historical and cultural monuments to explore, the city is also known for its vibrant waterfront and street food scene. The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum along with the Killing Fields are worth visiting, but be warned they paint a very sombre picture of the horrors of the Khmer Rouge regime. 

With a distance of 318 km (198 miles), the journey from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh takes five to six hours to cover. There is no shortage of choices for covering this route with multiple operators running buses, minivans and taxis. 

If you are looking for economical options, definitely take a bus. Minivans are also a popular choice and just slightly more expensive than the bus. Most bus departures are during the evening or night, while minivans offer timings during the day. So, which mode of transport you pick might depend on your timing preferences. If you want extra space for yourself and your luggage, then booking a private taxi is the best option. While the most expensive choice amongst the three, there is no denying the comfort you get from having a car all to yourself.


How to get from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

Taking a bus

With around 20 departures every day, you will find a bus that goes from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh at pretty much any time, day or night. And with ticket prices starting from $9, it’s the cheapest way to travel. While the daytime buses have well-cushioned, comfortable seats, the night buses come with reclining seats or beds that you can lie flat and sleep on. Some of the bus providers even provide snacks! If you are traveling in one of the night buses, carry a warm sweater as the air conditioning can make things pretty chilly as the night progresses. 

Taking a minivan

If you want a faster ride and are willing to fork out a little more than what you would pay for a bus ticket, then traveling by minivan is the best option for you. There are around 48 departures every day with the earliest starting at 06:30 and the last one leaving Siem Reap at 16:30. And with ticket prices starting at $10 per person, they are a popular choice. Of course, if you are traveling as part of a big group, you have the option of booking a private minivan that can seat anywhere from 6 to 13 passengers and provides you with the convenience of hotel pick up and drop off.

Hiring a private car/taxi  

When comfort, convenience, and flexibility in timings are of paramount importance, the best option is to rent a private car transfer or taxi. With hotel pick up and drop off and the freedom to make multiple stops, it is perfect for families. While standard sized cars are ideal for small groups of up to three people, bigger SUVs can accommodate up to seven passengers.

What will you see when traveling from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh?

The journey from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh is a great way to experience the Cambodian countryside. Those traveling during the day will get to see green paddy fields and farmers plowing their lands. If you are taking the night bus, you can expect to be in Phnom Penh as the first rays of the sun start to appear in the country’s capital.

Companies Operating from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh

Average time

5h 30m

Average price

$88 - $146


Average time


Average price

$90 - $258


Average time

5h 30m

Average price

$86 - $132


Average time


Average price



Average time


Average price



Popular stations and stops in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh

Departure stations in Siem Reap

Mey Hong Transport (Siem Reap)

E-Booking Express (Siem Reap)

Taphul Road (Olongpich Express)

Saly VIP office Siem Reap

752 NR6 (Larryta Express)

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Arrival stations in Phnom Penh

Mey Hong Transport office Phnom Penh

E-Booking Express (Phnom Penh)

Olongpich Express Phnom Penh

Saly VIP office Phnom Penh

Larryta Express Office (Phnom Penh)

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