GRADE+ by OneClass™
Everything you need to succeed, right here.

Grade+ is the all-inclusive plan that gives you unlimited access to Homework Help, Study Guides, Class Notes and Booster Classes.

Get Grade+
Ready to raise your grades and lower your stress?

Grade+ gives you all the tools you need to complete your homework on time and easily prepare for the toughest exams. Get the most comprehensive plan on the market and pass all your courses with flying colors.

Homework Help
Homework+ normally $9 USD/m
3.8M+ reliable answers for your courses
Video answer verification
Vibrant student community
Study Guides
Normally $40 USD/m
1.9M+ study guides
Past exams with step-by-step solutions
Adapted to your schedule
Textbook Solutions
Step-by-step solutions to textbook problems
Questions solved by expert educators
Watch video lessons that guide you through every chapter in your textbook
Class Notes
Class+ normally $30 USD/m
1.5M+ reliable answers for your courses
New notes uploaded daily
Find the right documents for your courses
Booster Classes
Normally $49 per course
A course that’s optimized for how you learn
Made for auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners
Learn skills that match with your class syllabus
Learn at your own pace
Gain career-transferable skills
Step-by-step personalized teaching method
Get Grade+For as low as $null/m
So many reasons to go with OneClass!
No monthly download limit
Download all documents and unlock all homework answers, for one yearly cost.
All study resources in one place
Save time and hassle by quickly finding what you need on OneClass.
Fresh content added daily
Access the most recent material and stay ahead in class.
Wide subject coverage
Find everything you need from Economics to Physics.
Available on mobile, tablet or desktop
Make studying easy with Homework Help, Class Notes, Study Guides and Booster Classes on all your devices.
Stress-free learning
Feel assured knowing you can rely on OneClass for all your academic needs.
Get Grade+

Frequently asked questions

Does upgrading to Grade+ mean I get a discounted price?
Yes, you’re getting up to 70% off with a Grade+ plan. If you need continued access to homework answers, class notes, study guides and booster classes, then Grade+ is the plan for you.
How does payment work if I want to upgrade my account?
We accept debit card payments, all major credit cards, and PayPal.
What’s a Booster Class?
Booster Classes are the most powerful way you can learn. Whether you’re an audio, visual, or kinesthetic learner, they’ll unlock your specific talents with a personalized learning experience that lets you learn your way. Each Booster Class combines theory, video lectures, exercises, quizzes, and one-on-one tutoring. You’ll develop skills that connect with your course curriculum, chapter by chapter. With a Grade+ plan, you get access to all our Booster Classes.
How do I cancel my account?
You can cancel your account at any time. Just visit your payment settings to cancel and your account will expire at the end of your current billing period.