Parcel Delivery

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Parcel Delivery Asia

Digital freight technology

Get access to thousands of efficient and reliable freight services via our fast quoting digital freight platform, backed up by an experienced customer centric team.

  • Road, air and sea freight in one place
  • Dedicated account management
  • Flexible payment terms up to 60 days
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Book shipments online

Book your parcel shipment

Pallet Delivery Quote Arrow
  • Save time and money booking your parcel delivery online.
  • Working with trusted and reputable international couriers.
  • We deliver to even the most remote destinations in Asia.
  • Real-time technology that allows tracking from point A to point B.

Asia Parcel Delivery Services

We are proud to be able to offer you the best price for your parcel delivery to all parts of Asia, including China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Over the last decade Asia has seen a surge in levels of disposable income and internet use. This, combined with rapidly growing economies has seen a large increase in package shipping to Asia.

Whether you are an online retailer, or an individual shipping goods to friends and family, P4D ensures your items will arrive safely and for a competitive price.

We work exclusively with renowned and trusted international couriers, giving you peace of mind that your parcel is always in safe hands.

Insured parcel delivery in Asia

P4D offer free insurance (please check terms and conditions) for small packages, however, if you are shipping an expensive item we recommend purchasing extra delivery insurance to guarantee the total value of all your goods are covered against loss and damage.

Customs Clearance in Asia

Asia has some of the strictest customs regulations and import restrictions in the world, and filling out paperwork correctly limits any possible delays. P4D’s customer service team is always on hand to guide you through all the steps of the process, as well as providing the correct forms. However, it is highly recommended that you familiarise yourself with the appropriate local customs and import regulations for your delivery.
Book your parcel delivery services to Asia today

Frequently Asked Questions


What our customers say

My go to freight forwarder
I find P4D have the best range of freight solutions across road, sea and air for my business. Thanks to Steve for his patience and support.
Brilliant from start to finish
Simple and easy to use. Competitive pricing and helpful customer support. I couldn't ask for more.
Booking was easy!
Booking was easy. Pallet and wrap service was provided on the day. Collected on time and delivered with no fuss.
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